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About this document

This document contains overview of this project.


  1. What is talos
  2. Goals
  3. Problems of existing systems
  4. How talos solves them

  1. What is talos

    talos is a malware-proof operating system.
  2. Goals

    talos has three goals.
    1. secure
    2. easy to use
      We separate "easy to use" to two parts.
      1. lesser steps to operate.
      2. lesser knowlegdes to use.
    3. easy to manage
  3. Problems of existing systems

    Almost existing systems has "APPLICATIONs". Applications bring problems such as...
    1. security problems
    2. user-interface problems
    3. management problems
  4. How talos solves them

    talos solves problems...
    1. security problems
    2. user-interface problems
    3. management problems